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Baby Names
May 3, 2013
10:44 am
Forum Posts: 3
Member Since:
November 9, 2012
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Hello everyone,

I assume many of you have already seen the completed list of baby names used in Scotland 2012 but I thought I would just provide a link to it here as it is such a great read! I have been addicited to it since it was released!

Maybe if anyone spots any trends/unusal names they could post them here?

From the list I am enjoying what looks like an increase in boys names ending in 'us' such as Albertus, Gabrielus etc. Also, the number of double barreled boys names surprises me (Elliot York, Barry-Lee for example).

There is also a nice mix of Puritan style virtue names present on the list, Goodluck, Divinefavour etc as well as the more common Hope, Faith, Grace etc.

I hope you enjoy the list as much as i have!

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