Origins of "James" in Scotland | Anthroponymy | Forum


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Origins of "James" in Scotland
November 9, 2017
1:51 pm
Forum Posts: 38
Member Since:
December 16, 2015
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So far as I have been able to see, the first person in Scotland to be called James was James Stewart who would become the 5th High Steward.
But was he?

On another forum a colleague posted this about a King James: "In an English history book he is called James, in a French history book Jacques and in a German history book Jakob."

So does anyone know when the name James qua James actually entered the Scottish vernacular? What did James Stewart's (albeit unknown) mother really call him? When was the first time that someone was actually christened "James" as such?

April 26, 2018
11:18 am
Forum Posts: 38
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December 16, 2015
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Two further complications may be added to this mix:

1. King James of Aragon whom I had supposed could be a contender as the person from whom James Stewart gained his name appears to have been called "Jacme" during his lifetime RATHER THAN James.

2. While it has been held (ie asserted) that the form "Jacomus" derives from "Jacobus" this is now thrown into doubt for Flavius Josephus refers to a Jacimus [I have not dated this precisely, but Josephus was writing in the 1st Century AD/CE.]

However it is interesting to note that while St James is referred to as "Jacobus" in the Wessex Bible, Wycliffe renders the name as "James" - considerably closing the time window of the change.

October 31, 2021
2:07 pm
Forum Posts: 38
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December 16, 2015
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I have now written a substantive paper on this subject.
It can be viewed here:

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