The given name Kathleen | Anthroponymy | Forum


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The given name Kathleen
October 31, 2021
2:11 pm
Forum Posts: 38
Member Since:
December 16, 2015
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The name Kathleen predates any knowledge of or interest in St Katharine.
This is discussed in my paper here:

However while, on advice I dismissed the meaning "beautiful" - which does not work in Scots Gaelic, nevertheless it does work in Irish Gaelic as I indicated in my paper on James (see link below):

February 8, 2023
7:01 am
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Thank you for sharing your research on the name Kathleen. You are correct that the name predates any knowledge of or interest in St. Katharine. It is a common practice to assign meaning or origin to names, but it's important to keep in mind that names can evolve and change over time, and multiple theories or meanings can exist for a single name.
It is also interesting to note that the meaning of a name can vary depending on the language and cultural context which you can share me on whatsapp You mentioned that the meaning "beautiful" does not work in Scots Gaelic, but it does in Irish Gaelic, as you noted in your paper on James. This shows how the interpretation of a name can be influenced by cultural and linguistic factors.

April 17, 2023
9:42 am
Kilts For Men
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I can confirm that the interpretation of a name can indeed be influenced by cultural and linguistic factors. The meaning of a name may vary depending on the language and cultural context in which it is used This is because different cultures and languages may have different associations, connotations, and meanings attached to certain words or sounds.

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