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October 1, 2012
10:08 am
Glasgow, Scotland
Forum Posts: 57
Member Since:
May 6, 2012
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Hi everyone,

I thought it would be good to have a general thread where we can all introduce ourselves and our key research interests, so that we get to know onomasticians we may not have previously met. If you are new to the site, please leave a comment on this thread!

My name's Alice Crook, and I'm a postgraduate student at the University of Glasgow. Along with Leonie, I'm one of the founders of this website. I've just finished my MPhil, which examined the usage of a traditional personal naming pattern in four 18th-century Scottish parishes, and am now going onto my PhD, in which I'll be investigating other patterns of personal naming and influences on naming in Early Modern Scotland. I'm particularly interested in the interchangeability of some names, the emergence of middle names, and anything involving statistics and graphs!

October 1, 2012
11:19 am
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October 1, 2012
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Hi Alice, and everyone,

Thanks for doing this - it's a great idea! Your work on personal names in 18th century Scotland sounds really interesting.

My name's Matthew Hammond, and I work on Scotland in the 12th and 13th centuries. I am also a former Univ of Glasgow postgrad, but I live in Edinburgh now. Most of my work since finishing my PhD in 2005 has been on the Paradox of Medieval Scotland - now People of Medieval Scotland - website and database. I'm really hoping it will get more people interested in personal names and anthroponymy.

Anyway, if anyone wants to talk about names, I'm up for it!

October 1, 2012
6:01 pm
Glasgow, UK
Forum Posts: 17
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June 25, 2012
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Hi Everyone,

My name is Leonie Dunlop and I'm in the second year of my PhD at Glasgow University. I'm studying Berwickshire place-names as part of the Scottish Toponymy in Transition project. I have chosen four parishes to research: Abbey St Bathans, Bunkle & Preston, Cockburnspath, and Coldingham. I'm particularly interested in the Anglo-Saxon influence in place-names of the Scottish Borders and the relationship between the lexicon and the onomasticon. Like Matthew, I'm up for talking about names too!

October 2, 2012
12:20 am
Forum Posts: 11
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September 27, 2012
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Hello everyone,

My name is Scott and unlike most people here - I don't work or research in the field. I'm a computer programmer and helped build I'll be monitoring the site for anyone that's got any questions (of a technical nature!) or suggestions. I might even stick my head into a few discussions from time to time too.

I'm interested to see where this goes being an online resource and think its a fantastic idea (well done ladies!).


October 2, 2012
10:47 am
Glasgow, Scotland
Forum Posts: 57
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May 6, 2012
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Matthew, I'm so glad to see another personal-names enthusiast (most of the researchers I meet are toponymists)! I've heard about PoMS before, but have only used it once or twice. I'd be really interested to hear more about it! I'll also add it to the Useful Resources page.

October 2, 2012
12:36 pm
Forum Posts: 11
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October 2, 2012
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Hello everyone,

My name is Carole Hough, and I've been a member of the academic staff at the University of Glasgow since 1995. I'm interested in everything onomastic, and looking forward to using the website. Well done to Alice, Leonie and Scott for setting it up!


October 4, 2012
1:33 pm
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Forum Posts: 2
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October 4, 2012
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I'm Emily. I'm just about to finish my first year of a PhD at the Centre for Advanced Welsh and Celtic Studies in Aberystwyth. I'm looking at field-names in the Anglo-Welsh borderland (focussing on Radnorshire, Montgomeryshire, Shropshire) dating roughly from 1600 to 1900. The study will, hopefully, add to what is known about the post-medieval linguistic situation in this area. My main area of interest is topographical names (basically any excuse to go outside) but it's all fascinating stuff.

This is a great idea, it's a shame Glasgow is ridiculously far away as there seems to be a lot of interesting things happening.


October 4, 2012
2:21 pm
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October 4, 2012
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Hi everyone,

I'm Ellen and I am currently a post-doc at the University of Glasgow. I finished my thesis in onomastics and sociolinguistics last year. The PhD looked at the links between names and social factors in several indigenous and immigrant communities in Scotland. It's lovely to see some more people interested in anthroponymy on here! I always felt like a bit of a lone voice at UK conferences.

I have traitorously moved over into semantics for my post-doctoral research, but would really like to stay involved in onomastics as well. This site seems to have come along at just the right time in fact... Smile

Cheers, Ellen

October 15, 2012
12:03 pm
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October 2, 2012
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Hello everyone,

I am Patrick and I am a PhD-Student at the Faculty of Central-European Studies of the Andrássy University Budapest. Actually I am a historian. I studied European and Central European History in Chemnitz (Germany) and Budapest. My field of interest and the Topic of my PhD-thesis are the reasons and the conditions of changing Toponyms in the time between the end of World War I and 1922 in Vienna and Budapest. I am looking forward to discuss and speak with You about Names as well as Toponyms via this forum or during upcoming conferences.


November 2, 2012
6:14 pm
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I'm Alison and I'm a PhD student at the University of Glasgow. I'm working on field-names in Aberdeenshire which are part of the oral tradition. My research methods draw on sociolinguistic approaches to data collection and I go round farms, recording interviews with farmers. I'm very lucky because this involves a lot of home-baking!


November 4, 2012
7:40 pm
Forum Posts: 4
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November 4, 2012
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My name is Florence and I am an English Language graduate from Glasgow University with an interest in Onomastics, particularly personal names. Sadly, I have moved away from academia and am now doing Primary Teaching in South East London where the names are very interesting! I am glad I can keep in touch with Onomastics on here though.

Great site!


December 6, 2012
10:59 am
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December 6, 2012
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Hi Everyone,

My name is Alan and I just saw and joined this site. I am a senior lecturer in linguistics at Newcastle Uni -- the one in Australia, not the one in the UK! Some of my research involves toponyms in food names -- I have had a paper on omelette names containing toponyms and ethnonyms published in a Greek journal, and the sequel was a similar paper on soups in a Canadian journal. (I can send electronic copies of these to anyone who wants them.) Last month I went to Michigan for a short fellowship on this sort of topic. Some of my other research involves Turkic languages,and I have looked at the grammar of street names in Turkish.

March 7, 2013
11:56 am
Alex Dudko
Forum Posts: 3
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January 21, 2013
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My name is Alex. I'm from Ukraine and I'm studying onomastics of the northern part of the country. I'm currently trying to distinguish features characteristic of other languages which indicate migrations or a substratum interference.

May 6, 2013
2:52 pm
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Hi I'm Matt and I'm a postgraduate/fencer at the University of Glasgow currently studying Scottish and Celtic Studies. My undergraduate degree was in Philosophy and Politics at the University of Stirling. My interests are in the place-names of the Inner Hebrides and the oronyms of Scottish mountains.

Regi regnoque fidelis.

May 20, 2013
4:21 pm
Forum Posts: 6
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March 12, 2013
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I'm Keith Britton, past 70 and headed into dotage. I had to support myself at age 16, so I've had to be mostly self taught when I needed skills. That's actually proved an advantage in pioneer areas where science or literature was lacking or erroneous. I haven't programmed in a quarter century, but took an introductory course in assembly language for the IBM 360, punching my own cards and getting dinged for self modifying code. Using trinary logic in flags which doubled as primitive signalling NaNs proved helpful experience later, as a one of the voting body for the IEEE Floating Point Standard, and as a Homebrew Computer Club member.

My experience with Scotland is mixed. My first trip took me to Kirkwall as a cadet in a three master. I was unimpressed with General Wade's Military Road, depressed by a wave in the Great Race of Corrievrechan, but profited from another observed in a Scottish canal in 1834.

My principal interest in Onomastics is as co-Administrator of Lindsey Britton's Britton International DNA Project, which also hosts a GOONS One-Name Project.

November 4, 2022
9:53 am
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November 4, 2022
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April 28, 2023
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