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Talk on Gaelic place-names this Friday in Edinburgh
October 1, 2012
1:42 pm
Forum Posts: 7
Member Since:
October 1, 2012
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Hello, can I bang my own drum? This is a talk I'll be giving, basically the same one that I gave in Glasgow at Rannsachadh na Gàidhlig this 'summer'. I'll also be talking a bit about dialect and folklore:

Celtic and Scottish Studies Research Seminar
Friday 5th October 2012 1.10 - 2.00pm

Dr Jake King
Postdoctoral Fellow,
Celtic and Scottish Studies
University of Edinburgh

The Work and Legacy of Gaelic Scholar Charles M Robertson (1864-1927)

All welcome

Conference Room, 27 George Square, Edinburgh

October 2, 2012
10:22 am
Glasgow, Scotland
Forum Posts: 57
Member Since:
May 6, 2012
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That sounds really interesting! I'll add it to the Calendar page as well in case people check that but don't read through the forum. I don't think I can go, but I hope you get a great turn-out.

October 4, 2012
5:47 pm
New Member
Forum Posts: 1
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October 4, 2012
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Hi. The talk sounds v. interesting, but I am also unable to attend. Any chance of having a full text of it posted plse online? johnstewpriest (new member, today)Smile

October 5, 2012
10:08 am
Forum Posts: 7
Member Since:
October 1, 2012
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A few people have requested a copy of this. I'm currently writing it up into an article for the Proceedings of Rannsachadh na Gàidhlig where it will appear I hope. Eventually I hope to have it as part of an introduction for the book I'm writing about him.

Before that though I'll send round a draft to some people, so stay tuned.


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