16th and 17th Century Placenames in The Debatable Lands on the Scots/English Border. | Toponymy | Forum


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16th and 17th Century Placenames in The Debatable Lands on the Scots/English Border.
November 3, 2013
9:40 pm
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Forum Posts: 2
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November 3, 2013
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Greetings All from NZ. ! I have just Logged on for the first time. I sent an enquiry to Professor Carole, who kindly answered and suggested the entry of my Query on the Forum , may bring a result .I am researching my Family Tree. Surname GRAHAM. I have reached a " brickwall" , with finding my 4 X Gr.Grand-dad, William Graham of Middlebie, Dumfriesshire. As I seem unable to get back in tim , past William, I have decided to " track forward" from Lang Wul Graham, who with his entire Family , including EIGHT sons, was kicked out of Scotland in the mid-1500's. He settled in The Debatable lands, and I am trying to locate a Map of A3 size or bigger, showing the eight places where he established his sons, these are as follows. The ones marked with a * , I have found, but not on the same Map , and not Maps of the same date. The 8# sons are listed aginst the place they settled, in order of seniorority:-
Richard of Netherbie*
Arthur of Canonbie*
Fergus of The Mote*....a.k.a. The Moat.
John of Medop....aka Medope....not located at all.
Thomas of Kirkanders.*...aka Kirkandrews,,,,confirmed by Prof. Carole
George of The Fauld...aka . The Fold.....not located at all.
William of Carlisle *
Hutchin of Base *....not located at all.
So if there is anyone out there , with a similar interes, and the knowledge of a Map such as I am seeking , I would love to hear from you either on this Forum or at :- [email protected];
Thanks in advance, Cheers the ' noo, Bruce Graham !Laugh

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