'Ninewells' and 'Nine Maidens Well'. | Toponymy | Forum


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'Ninewells' and 'Nine Maidens Well'.
March 18, 2019
10:41 pm
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March 16, 2019
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Could 'Ninewells' be a corruption of 'Nine Maidens Well'? As a recent former resident of Dundee, with my wife working at Ninewells Hospital and also knowing of the colourful story of the Nine Maidens Well near Dundee (NO383345) which supposedly gave rise to the name of Strathmartin, north of Dundee, I have often wondered if the name Ninewells, of which there are many instances in Scotland (almost entirely in that part of eastern Scotland associated with the Picts), is connected with the cult of the Nine Maidens of St Donevald to whom several wells in Scotland have been dedicated. According to the 1905 article by J M McKinley ‘Traces of the Cultus of the Nine Maidens in Scotland’, the cult had Pictish origins and was centred on Abernethy where the Nine Maidens moved to after the death of their father St Donevald but was suppressed by the reformist church in the 17th century. The profusion of ‘Ninewells’ place names in comparison to, say, ‘Fivewells’ or ‘Sixwells’ or ‘Sevenwells’ suggests that the name has nothing to do with the number of wells at a particular location and the fact that the vast majority are to be found in Pictland suggests a Pictish connection to the name. Could it be that the distribution of the name traces out the remnants of a once popular cult and the mutation of the name from ‘Nine Maidens Well’ to ‘Ninewells’ was sufficient to prevent obliteration of the name by the zeal of the reformist church in 16th and 17th centuries. Perhaps, also, the story of the Nine Maidens of Strathmartin and the almost identical story of the Nine Maidens associated with the well at Craigs of Logie (NJ499183) in Aberdeenshire were attempts by the Church to provide explanations for the names without having to refer to an ancient cult that they disapproved of. The Nine Maidens of Strathmartin were all devoured by a great serpent as they attempted to take water for their father from the well and were avenged by Martin, the lover of the last to die. He slew the monster at the site of the Pictish stone at Balluderon (NO374375), watched on by a crowed urging him on with the chant ‘Strike Martin!’, and on some old maps the name ‘Strathmartin’ is rendered as ‘Strikemartin’. The Nine Maidens in Aberdeenshire suffered a very similar fate but were dispatched not by a serpent but a bear or boar. Again, it was the lover of the last maiden to die, whose name was Bess, who killed the beast and as he did so he shouted out ‘For Bess!’, which is the supposed origin of the name Forbes!
Any views on this?

January 22, 2020
11:06 pm
Forum Posts: 38
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December 16, 2015
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I like the general thrust of this argument, but I regret I have to take issue with the last bit. For the origins of Forbes see "Arthur: Legend, Logic & Evidence" Appendix 2 section 7. However this does not diminish the overall strength of the argument as it is very common for a story to be commandeered by several different people.- as indeed you yourself point out. However what you seem to take as the basis of the legend may itself be a borrowing. See, for example
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nine_maidens_(mythology). So we should probably see "St Donevald" (do you mean Dovenald?) as a Christian veneer on a much older pre-Christian tradition. This is particularly associated with wells with supposed healing properties which normally had a Celtic pre-Christian attribution which was masked by the substitution of a Christian saint. See also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nine_sorceresses

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