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Place-name walks
June 29, 2013
12:15 am
Glasgow, Scotland
Forum Posts: 57
Member Since:
May 6, 2012
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

In case anyone's interested, there are now several leaflets for place-name walks on the resources page. These were emailed to me by Dr. Simon Taylor and have been compiled by him and the STIT team at Glasgow University. I went on the Tillicoultry and Alva walk last year and can confirm that it's well worth doing - there are lots of interesting names mentioned (as well as some rather lovely scenery). The routes are described very clearly so, although the leaflets were originally written for walking groups led by the team, individuals should be able to easily follow them by themselves.

Thanks to Simon and the STIT team for contributing these. So far, the leaflets concern only Fife and Clackmannanshire, but if anyone else has similar leaflets for other areas, I'd be more than happy to add them to the list!

July 9, 2013
1:48 pm
Glasgow, Scotland
Forum Posts: 57
Member Since:
May 6, 2012
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Just to say that I've just added details of another place-name walk to the Resources page, this time for Portmoak in Perth and Kinross.

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