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July 25, 2018
1:15 pm

[deleted: spam]

October 1, 2018
11:52 pm
Forum Posts: 38
Member Since:
December 16, 2015
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Grandmothers and egg sucking come to mind.

However I would challenge the usefulness of the phrase "usually dates from the locality’s inception". Irrespective of the statistical accuracy (about which I hold no view), assuming this is likely to encourage the sort of blinkered approach taken eg by followers of Eckwall, where they accept in far too dogmatic a way his useful identification of the "-ing-" element, attempting to apply it where it is perfectly obvious to any normal person that it is an anomaly and this despite his own significant subsequent recanting in substantial part to which too many people have been deaf. I realise that "usually" is not the same as "always" , but to "often" would have been better.

Thus, for example, if an area of a town gets a bad reputation a common approach is to rename the streets (in a naive attempt to remove the stigma deriving from a particular address). So too in this particularly sanctimonious age a revered name can all too easily fall into disfavour resulting eg in the renaming of a building or a street etc.

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