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Education- How it Works and How it’s Struggling
January 12, 2022
6:53 am
Olivia Wilson
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The education system has come a long way over the centuries. Students do not have to question things such as, “Who will help me write my assignment?” We now no longer believe that the earth is flat or pharaohs are direct descendants of gods.  

That said, there are still many things that need to be resolved immediately. What are these issues, and how to address them? If these are the questions revolving around your head, read on and learn more.

  1. School overcrowding

A recent study shows that multiple schools worldwide are overcrowded. For example, more than 17% of schools in the United States of America are packed. And in the United Kingdom, 20% of schools are overcrowded. And due to this reason, students are often deprived of quality education and academic nurture. In addition, many teachers have reported that there aren't enough resources to provide adequate education to these students.

And that is not all; both teachers and students feel anxious and stressed due to overcrowding class structure. Policymakers need to understand this and change the situation for online exam help. And Classes should be more widespread.

  1. Make proper use of school funds

Schools funding is often not used adequately. In the USA, sources claim that more than 34 states induce less funding on educating each child they did before the recession hit. State schools in the UK have suffered consecutively with funding since 2015. And teachers are nearly funding stripped to provide better learning materials for the children.

Policymakers need to fund more tangible things. For example, they need to understand that policymakers need to invest in academic resources instead of funding school buildings and other outer materials like economics assignment help. Policymakers also need to impose better working conditions for teachers and raise their pay.

  1. Address the juvenile issues

Nearly 60% of African-American students either go to prison in the USA or correctional homes. Out of these students, many do not go back to high school. In addition, the state school boards have a pattern of blaming African-American students for crimes they do not often commit.

This school-to-prison pipeline is a complex issue. And now, these issues are being openly discussed. And it is not just in the USA; almost all the prime nations of the world have a shallow pattern of judging students' behavior based on their skin color. Policymakers need to address these issues thoroughly and change them for good.

  1. Schools should involve parents more

Parents are not involved in their wards' lives as they should be. And it is a common problem all around the world. Many parents do not have the education level to understand what their children are taught at schools for hr assignment help. However, parents who belong to middle and upper-middle-class backgrounds are not involved enough. And it is a matter of concern.

These parents often have to tackle their careers and home simultaneously. Therefore, they do not have the time to pay attention to their children’s education. Therefore, policymakers and school committees need to figure out how to involve these parents. Otherwise, teachers feel pressured, and the repercussions directly reflect the students.

  1. Technology and its adverse effects

Technology in the classroom is a boon for sure. Students can now imagine more vividly and gain more profound knowledge. That said, technology has its adverse effects, and policymakers must address this situation to buy dissertation online. For example, students often spend a chunk of their time texting their friends instead of focusing on their courses.

And that is not all; with technology has come cyberbullying. And multiple students fall prey to it. Yet, policymakers are doing the least to change it. Classrooms and school hours must be more productive instead of texts.

Education might have come a long way, but before everyone sleeps, there's a long way to go. Students must worry about quality education instead of things like, “who can help me write my assignment?” There are ample individuals to help students with their assignments. But, there are only a few to help these students receive a quality education.

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January 27, 2022
9:38 am
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December 7, 2022
2:07 pm
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Expounding on the meaning of your contention is a superb method for starting your decision. Your peruser will know precisely exact thing you are attempting to convey through your paper. Your inquiry will end "who can nursing assignment help?"

December 8, 2022
2:38 pm
Forum Posts: 4
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January 27, 2022
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